Hope's DNA
Scripture We believe the Bible is God's Word. It is the true story of the whole world (see below). The Scriptures give meaning and purpose to history and the whole of our lives.
Discipleship Jesus is the hero of our story. Discipleship is about learning to be like Jesus in every part of our lives. It is not just a weekly meeting but a daily lived reality.
Mission We are a people on mission, sent to live and speak the good news of Jesus in our homes, our neighbourhoods, and our places of work.
Hospitality Whether it be on Sunday morning or throughout the week, we seek to make space in our lives for others. We encourage people to open their hearts and their homes to those around them.
Worship Worship forms us. In worship, God reveals His grace, reorders our desires, and forms us into the likeness of Christ.
Unity We are part of a wider body of believers that extends beyond denominational affiliations. We commit ourselves to praying for the churches in our neighbourhood, and collaborating with them for the good of the city.