Our Community: Our Responsibility

We don't just want to be a church in the neighbourhood, but a church for the neighbourhood. Here are some of the ways that we're involved in in Clayton, and ways that you can get connected.

For Children and Caregivers

  • Storytime: Every Thursday morning at 9:30 and 10:30am, we host a free event for parents with children ages 0-5. The kids get to sing songs, listen to stories, and make crafts together. Please register to save your spot! You can sign up here.
  • Tot Romp: Got young kids who need to burn off some energy? Feel free to come by on Tuesdays from 10-11:15am. We open up the gymnasium so kids can run, climb, jump, and play, and give caregivers time to share coffee and socialize. If you're new to Clayton, this is a great way to get to know other families in the community. Tot Romp is now drop-in, no need to register!
  • The $1 Sale: Twice a year we host a $1 Kids' Clothing Sale (typically in the Spring and Fall). Everything at the sale is $1, which includes shoes, coats, and books! Keep an eye on our Instagram and Facebook page for more details.
  • Summer Camp: Every year we receive a grant from the government which allows us to host summer camp for kids ages 5-12. Keep an eye on our website, Instagram and Facebook page for when registration opens up.


In Our Neighbourhood

  • Cloverdale Community Kitchen: The CCK does an incredible job caring for the vulnerable in our community. We partner with them by serving meals on Wednesdays. We also participate (rather competitively) in the Coldest Night of the Year fundraiser walk and serve at the annual Christmas Hamper Program. To get involved with the CCK you can email Linda Wing.
  • Adopt-a- Street Garbage Clean-up: We want to keep Clayton beautiful. The first Sunday of every month a group of volunteers walk around the neighbourhood and clean up the garbage on the streets directly around our church. We provide all the bags and tools you need, so come and join us one time.
  • Community BBQs: Every spring and fall we host a community-wide barbecue that’s fun for the whole family. If you’re new to our city, we encourage you to come out it. It’s a great way to get to know your neighbours over a meal. Keep an eye on our Instagram and Facebook page for more details.
  • Food Assistance: For some families, there are times when it's hard to make ends meet. In seasons of job loss or crisis, we provide assistance to local families in need. Email the deacons for assistance.
  • Refugee Sponsorship: We are called to make space in our lives for others - especially those who are fleeing war, famine, and persecution. We have helped resettle one family from Iraq already, and are currently in the paper work stage with another refugee family. We are praying that they will be able to move to Canada in the next two to three years.



  • Pickleball: If you want to get to know people and get active at the same time, come join our pickleball group. There are two different programs available: Ladies pickleball will be taking place on Monday mornings 9:00am-10:30am. Daytime mixed pickleball will be Monday's 10:30am-12:00pm and Friday's 9:00am-11:00am. Evening mixed pickleball (for 13 and over) takes place on Wednesday nights 5:00pm-7:00pm and 7:00pm-9:00pm. This is not a drop-in event. To register, please email Linda Watkins.
  • Drop-in Volleyball: If you are a young adult, or young at heart, you are welcome to come and play volleyball on Monday nights at 7pm. If you have any questions, or would like to receive updates on volleyball, contact Kevin Verbeek.